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Funnelish is an funnel builder tool for creating eCommerce sales funnels (as well as automating fulfillment and optimizing checkouts). With pre-built templates and a visual page editor, Funnlish makes it easier and faster to create a high-converting online sales funnel.

Insiteful helps you capture form entries and extra leads from your existing web form in just a few clicks. Apart from helping you capture 100% of leads that fill out your forms, our plug-n-play solution also enables you to increase your conversion rate with power-ups (i.e. save & continue later), auto follow-up, and smart insights (i.e. confusing form fields).

You can recover abandoned forms and incomplete entries from your Funnelish forms using Insiteful in just a few clicks:

How to track partial entries & form abandonment in Funnelish with Insiteful

Ready to start capturing & tracking leads from your forms? With Funnelish and Insiteful, it just takes a few clicks:

How-to track partial entries & leads in Funnelish forms with Insiteful

  1. Add your Funnelish sub-domain to Insiteful: Then, simply login to Insiteful & visit the Domains page. Here, you should add your website (ie. where indicated in the screenshot below.
    Insiteful App – Domains Page - Add Website

    Common mistake: Don’t add the “https://” suffix, trailing slash (ie. “”), or an unnecessary “www.” when adding your site to the Domains page.

  2. Open Funnelish settings: Go to the “Funnels” page in Funnelish, then click on the Funnel you want to install Insiteful tracking for. When in the funnel, click on Funnel settings.
  3. Create Funnelish tracking code: Navigate to Custom codes and click on New tracking code. Give the new tracking code a name (like “Insiteful tracking code”), that you can remember, and turn Lazy load off. You can also install Insiteful via GTM, or any other tag manager.
  4. Install code: Finally, simply copy & paste the tracking code from the Install page into your webpage (or tag manager). The full tracking code should look like this:
    <script async defer type='text/javascript' src='//' id='insiteful-js'></script>
    <script defer type='text/javascript' id='insiteful-activate-js'>insiteful_activate(YOUR_ACTIVATION_KEY);</script> Install Code for Partial Entry Tracking & Form Abandonment Recovery

  5. Lastly, if you want to automatically detect the names for phone or email leads captured from abandoned forms, you may need to set up form field mapping (which takes <30secs). This is only necessary if your form fields don’t have semantically-readable names / IDs. The easiest way to set this up is to open the Form Fills page in one window, then fill in the field mapping in another window by using the partial entry data from the Form Fills page to identify the field definitions.Insiteful - Custom Form Field Mapping - Analytics, Partial Form Tracking & Lead Capture

Use Ninja FormsGravity FormsFormidable FormsForminator or some other form builder? Insiteful is compatible with any form builder & website platform: click here to browse form tracking instructions for other platforms!

Testing your Funnelish form tracking

Once you’ve installed Insiteful on your Funnelish form, you’ll probably want to test it out once to ensure your partial entries are being captured.

The easiest way to do so is by using our Debugger Extension for Chrome / Microsoft Edge — or you can simply fill out your form to test it manually.

When doing so, follow the steps below:

  1. Open the website where your Funnelish form lives
  2. Clear the cookies & cache if needed
  3. Hard refresh (Ctrl/Cmd+Enter) the page
  4. Be sure to retype or choose a new option for each field when testing (don’t just leave the previous/existing entries & click “Ok”, otherwise Insiteful gets nothing to track)
  5. Also, be sure to use a new email each time you test (ie. — otherwise the existing lead will get updated with the new form entries
Many sites use caching to accelerate load speeds, so until the cache is properly cleared, your device may continue to load an old version of the site which does not have the Insiteful script installed yet. If you don’t see any partial entries when you test the first time, this does not mean Insiteful is broken — it almost always means our tracking code is not yet fully-installed on your form. Either your cache is not clearing properly, or you may have missed one of the steps below—

Be sure to check for common mistakes, such as:

  • Selecting the wrong domain in the top-left domain dropdown in the Insiteful dashboard
  • Adding a trailing slash or http:// suffix to your domain

Track partial entries in Funnelish

Automagically uncover more leads from your website: capture & convert 100% of the users that start to fill out your Funnelish forms — even those that don’t finish. There’s nothing more disheartening than missing out on a potential opportunity due to form abandonment or website drop-offs; Insiteful is here to seal the leaks in your funnels.

Learn more about how-to easily track, optimize & convert more leads from your Funnelish forms and funnels — start capturing form-fill data with Insiteful. In just a couple clicks, you could never miss another lead™ from your Funnelish checkout forms.

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