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Case Study

How this design agency gets extra leads every month with Insiteful

Greater insights, more leads: how better data helped

BestPitch is as six-figure design agency with marquee clients including Fortune 100 brands and award-winning startups. They close the majority of their business from ad-driven lead forms and initially implemented Insiteful to capture abandoned forms.

After unlocking a treasure trove of opportunities, they began to explore how else Insiteful could help grow their business — without needing to modify their existing lead forms.

Download the case study to learn more about how BestPitch uses partial entry tracking, saved progress, and lead recovery to boost their business — and how you can, too.

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What you’ll learn

  • How to track abandoned forms and partial entries to recover missed opportunities
  • Alternative methods to boost conversions without needing to modify or migrate your forms
  • How to streamline your forms without eliminating fields or adding clicks
  • The business benefits of having a robust form tracking & analytics solution
  • Ways to avoid losing distracted prospects and incomplete responses to drop-offs


Total leads detected


Form entries tracked


Recovered abandoned form leads

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